We are specialised in anti discrimination and labour law.
We represent employers, employees, victims of discrimination, trade unions and works councils across Germany. Prof. Dr. Alenfelder is experienced and specialised and regular speakers at seminars. Anti discrimination and labour law require the highest level of professionalism. Both legal areas are complicated and fast paced. According to German law Prof. Dr. Alenfelder is a lawyer, barrister-at-law, and solicitor. He is members of the local Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer), located in Cologne and of the Barristers-Society (Deutscher Anwaltsverein). He is allowed to plead at any court in Germany. In addition to that he is admitted to the European Court of Justice. The German Attorney's Fees are based on a Federal law. We will explain the applicable regulations in or before consultation. Contact: Call: +49-228-94 66 00 send E-Mail |